To Start...

First steps

Many wonder how to start taking pictures, what camera to use; They say to themselves: "How do you use a professional camera?" To start a good camera is the Canon T6. Personally, it is the perfect one. I would recommend you to see different tutorials to see the different features of the camera and learn little by little. As the years go by and you gain experience, you can go up to another level, but for now we will start with some basic and short tutorials.

Why the Canon T6 is the best camera to start?

I will explain them to you through this video:

To give you an idea of the camera, here is the manual. In case you want to read it and learn more about the camera:!zdwgnaID!99DvKmts-Gh7QP-nZ2A12Q-EI1fZmO-JT0cv_wfJqEE


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