Curious Facts of Photography 1. The first photo: Nicéphore Niépce took in 1826 the first photograph in history. After eight hours of exposure, the Frenchman captured from his window the view of a part of the French community Le Gras. 2. The first color photograph: The Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell was the first to take a permanent color photograph in 1861. Days after that capture, Maxwell presented his project in London and showed that any color can be obtained in photography Mixing lights of the primary colors (yellow, red and blue). 3. The first person: Louis Daguerre was responsible for the first edition of a person in a photograph. The image, entitled 'Boulevard du Temple', was taken in 1838 and in it, from a distance, sees a man cleaning his boots in the lower left corner. 4. The largest and smallest camera. "Mamut" is considered the largest camera in history. The machine, built in 1900 in the United States, was more than four meters long, ...